Leap of Faith

January 16, 2023

I think Jane Austen described it best when she said, “I cannot fix on the hour, the spot, or the look, or the words which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew I had begun.“ So often, we cannot pinpoint our life-changing moments. Do I reach […]

More than Muscles

September 27, 2021

She is doing more than lifting weights in her garage; she is a survivor, and in fact, thriving. You can hear more of her story on Youtube. When I met up with Nancy for this marketing photoshoot (I bet you didn’t know I did those. *wink), I knew we would come away with some fierce photos […]

Hey There, Lovely A trip to your local Library could count as an adventure in my book:) However, some of the thrill seekers in the room might disagree with an eye-roll. That’s ok! I’ve compiled a list of destinations to ease your cabin fever that is a bit more heart pounding. I’ve made the starting […]

    I would love to share my story with you about how I fell in love with photography. Would you like to hear it? I hope you can relate to my fears and struggles as I navigated my business aspirations. I hope to hear from you as you read this story. Leave comments if […]

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