She is doing more than lifting weights in her garage; she is a survivor, and in fact, thriving. You can hear more of her story on Youtube. When I met up with Nancy for this marketing photoshoot (I bet you didn’t know I did those. *wink), I knew we would come away with some fierce photos of her new clothing line. I didn’t know how her enthusiasm for her own business would comfort my grieving and give me a task that brought me back to a conscious place. I am not the only one who has noticed her enthusiasm; in fact, an entire film crew documented her story, which will be airing later this year. No other details are being released, but I know it’s going to be inspiring.
You might be asking what my turning point on this specific day was?

Nancy Joann’s story goes far beyond the perfect workout regimen; her’s is a story of redemption, self-love, motivation, and life-changing mental exercise. She is more than the sum of negative words spoken about her, and so are you, lovely friend.

Negative words are debilitating, immobilizing, humiliating, and destructive. This resonates with me so much because of my own experiences. I want to clap my hands, climb the nearest mountain and shout from its top that we are not who people say we are. Her story motivates me to continue the hard work of being my best self.
This week I received a handwritten letter, one line stated,
“You are SO loved by your King, who takes pleasure and delight in who you are.”
What if we spoke to each other this way? Scripture says this about our tongue in Proverbs 12:18, “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Scripture has much to say about our tongues. Sometimes we look for validation from our friends and family, and while that isn’t a bad thing, we should be focusing on our relationship and communicating with our Savior, who longs to hear our voice.

If someone’s debilitating words have hurt you, I pray you heal. If you have said those debilitating words, I pray you see a need for change. If you are on the other side of healing, I pray you take the hand of someone who’s still sorting it out. If our stories of redemption make you realize you are not alone, then we have done our job. Will you encourage someone today with uplifting, life-giving, healing, positive words?
Make it your mission, lovely friends.
Until next month!