I think Jane Austen described it best when she said,
“I cannot fix on the hour, the spot, or the look, or the words which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew I had begun.“

So often, we cannot pinpoint our life-changing moments. Do I reach back to my childhood and hold my dreams of shooting for National Geographic accountable, or all the hours spent earning my certificate from The New York Institute of Photography? I think it’s in my bones, but God’s calling made it real. Tangible. Possible. The exact answers kept surfacing during my mentorship with Elizabeth & George. They were instrumental in giving me a road map I desperately needed, giving me the courage to rebrand and represent myself in my work. It became effortless. Natural.

A million little miracles happened along the way, having a supportive family, healing prayer from a total stranger, obvious direction, encouragement, mentorship, financial advice, and so many more details fell into place. All orchestrated by my Creator. It’s scary. It’s uncertain, but it’s my life, and I can’t wait to step into this new adventure.
I am nine years into my banking career and hanging it up. It’s not what I was made to do. I realize I’m one of the rare few who will work for passion and not just a paycheck. I will get to do what makes me come alive, fills my soul, and stretches beyond anything I have accomplished; Photogaphy & Marketing Consulting.

God is chipping away at my sculpture only to reveal His masterpiece below. Will you let Him painstakingly do the same for you? I will forever be under construction; if it sounds like I have everything figured out, I don’t, but I’m thankful for these people in my corner who inspired, encouraged, listened, and I wouldn’t be here without them!
My family
Lori Jess

Thank you, friends; I can’t wait to discover what adventures lie ahead!
Cheers to my new leap of faith of being a full time creative!
Happy New Year, Lovelies!
Kimberly Nicole
Truly happy for you. You will be awesome in anything you choose to do and if that means following a passion then even better.
You do realize that most likely it will cut down on some of your traveling 🤔😂
Best wishes and I have faith God will follow you in all your days♥️
Or I might travel more! Thank you so much for your kindness toward me. It means so much! I always look forward to seeing your smiling face!
Congratulations our work loss is your life gain!!!! So happy for you!
Thanks, Ginger!
So happy for you
Thank you, that means so much to me!
Good luck in your new journey ! I hope it all goes well ! 🙂 Will miss seeing your smiling face at the bank but I do understand about “wanting to work for passion and not just a paycheck.” Prayers for this new chapter of yours. 🙂
Thank you so much! I will miss interacting with you! I appriciate your kind words.
Rick and I are so excited for you. You will do great!
Thank you so much for your support! You both have been so amazing to work with, I hope we can do it again soon!
You will be a blessing everywhere you go no matter where this journey takes you! I truly love you girl! You are an inspiration and I love your contagious laugh! I love the person that God has created you to be! ❤️
So excited to see where this new adventure takes you! Hopefully it means more time spent in PA with us! 😉