9 Tips to Self Quarantine With Style

Hey there Lovely, Are you well?

If you didn’t already know I am a silver-lining, look on the bright side, glass half full kind of personality, but this coronavirus is multifaceted and can cause even the most level-headed, common sense, unflappable personality to waffle with uncertainty. The media coverage alone can be daunting much less the research we do to find the answers we are looking for. If you are anything like me you’re sick of this chicken little mentality. The panic, the hysteria, the empty TP shelves.  However, this Virus is nothing to scoff at. In fact, I find it difficult to write about because of it’s major impact. Instead of addressing it directly, let’s talk about what we can control; our response.

#1 Fine Fort Food

You read that correctly, fort food. In case you are wondering you are never too old to build a fort. You just read that on the internet so it must be true! Check out my attempts, be kind, it’s been a few years!

I like to kick things off with a quick stop at the store for popcorn, chocolate, pizza, and wine.

#2 Plan a trip later in the year 

If you have been following me for any amount of time, you have already deduced that travel is essential for my life. And it might be so for you as well.

As Laura Wifler said, “It’s ok to be sad that your trip is canceled. It’s okay you’re bummed your plans are wiped for the next few weeks. It’s okay to feel out of sorts over small things. No, you’re not shallow. This is weird and hard. You can’t live here, in the grief, but you can take time here.”

Reports say, having something to look forward to makes you “feel good” and may also give an “atmosphere of growth” to your life because the future seems bright.

I know I always look forward to the next adventure.

#3 Binging 

I mean, do I even have to mention this? We are all doing it already whether it’s Netflix, YouTube, Dish or Amazon Prime, right? Getting sucked into a series can also help pass the time. Don’t forget to move around a bit so your joints don’t get crunchy!

#4 Brew a good cup of tea 

Not only is a hot cup of tea relaxing as you inhale its steamy goodness, but there is something therapeutic about preparing a kettle to boil on the stovetop. This store carries one of my favorite blends. Here is a reason to start drinking if you aren’t already an avid tea drinker.

#5 Read a Novel 

Books transport us to faraway places without having to leave our couch. Whether it’s sailing the mighty river with Huckleberry Finn, sitting in the courtroom with Atticus Finch, or reading Aibileen, Minny, and Eugenia’s tales; we all need a respite from our own lives at times.

Here are a few books I recently finished.

Someday, Someday Maybe

The Alice Network

Write Better

If reading isn’t your thing, check out Audible or check out this Podcast to overhear adventures from National Geographic explorers.

#6 Facials with the Family 

Self-care has been widely discussed even before Covid-19, and how much more emphasis we should place on it now through this crisis.

For facial masks, my favorites are from Opal Skincare and Lola’s Naturals.

Lindsay Maestas has a wonderful perspective on how our words and thoughts can change everything.

So as we apply our masks let’s think about applying positive words towards each other and the world.

#7 Projects

Maybe it’s yoga, scrapbooking, gratitude journaling, spring cleaning, full-body workouts or backing up phone photos; its projects like this that give us the sense of accomplishment we are craving. Whether you realize it or not we all seek to have a purpose. So get off that couch!

Also, some schools are having open gym sign up for families. It’s a great way to burn energy from those little people who keep complaining about boredom, who just need to get off those devices, and who are eating you out of house and home.

#8 Music

Just like the right tune can pump up our workout and give us the adrenaline we need to keep going, music can change our atmosphere.

This article says,

“The notion that music can influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors probably does not come as much of a surprise. If you’ve ever felt pumped up while listening to your favorite fast-paced rock anthem or been moved to tears by a tender live performance, then you easily understand the power of music to impact moods and even inspire action.”

Here are a few I can’t stop thinking about right now.

Fear Is A Liar

Who You Say I Am 

Goodness Of God

#9 Give Back

Maybe not right now, but it can’t hurt to think about how you might be able to help an elderly person, a poverty-stricken family or a struggling small business after all this is over. Maybe it’s donating clothing or items you found while spring cleaning, or taking groceries to those who may be housebound, or calling a friend prone to anxiety. You are not alone. We are in this together and there’s nothing like reaching out to those in need to put things into perspective.

Things are getting canceled from my schedule right and left and although I was really looking forward to these lovely things maybe this is the pause we all need. To be reminded it’s not always about the hustle and grind. Whether your family is brought together around a pizza box, board game or rationing TP, at least you’re together.

As a fellow small business owner, I can’t help but wonder what continued business will entail later in the year. Of course, it won’t all be easy but one thing I know for sure is this.

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5


What I can’t just skip over is the sentence,…” we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” We have the responsibility and honor to hold our thoughts captive, and we do that through our relationship with Christ. Isn’t that amazing?

 I pray for us all as we traverse these murky waters together.

Stay well, Be calm

Until next time,

xoxo, Klassic Photography







  1. Liz Miller says:

    Great article Kim!! ❤❤ Hope everyone is safe and healthy!

  2. Angie K. says:

    Great ideas, Kimber! Thanks for sharing them!

  3. Debby says:

    Great words and thoughts to live by! Love all your pictures!

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