Come sail away with me

Hey There, Lovely

I used to work in a figurative landmine. I was constantly being questioned about my beliefs, religion, and denomination. In some ways, it made me stronger, it grew my roots deeper into the Word and forced me to understand myself better, but in some ways it was exhausting. I did the work I was never afraid of that part, I never gave in to arguments over faith, only defend my own, and never in the process did I ever deny Christ. So, when I heard this phrase it stuck with me for months.

I think something about the permanence in the statement thrilled me and still thrills me.

Nail your colors to the mast.



Nailing your colors to the mast is a practice dating back to the Age of Sail (16-mid19th century) that expresses a defiant refusal to surrender, and willingness to fight to the last man. Often ships would hoist their flag on a mast that could be easily lowered when siting an approaching enemy vessel. In turn, this could leave them unharmed since the enemy had no knowledge of their countries loyalty.


The ship that nailed their colors had to made of tough stock. No backing out. No switching allegiances. No turning back. Their course was charted, no matter who they came in contact with their story stayed the same. To me, this is bravery.



Although I’ve never had the chance to prove my loyalty in extreme situations, I would fight to the death and never surrender my faith. I have someone I feel that strongly about and His name is Jesus. No matter my course in life, no matter who I meet, my colors are unchanged. I’m not afraid to offend, I don’t lower my flag in fear of the enemy’s approach. My colors aren’t hoisted on a flag they are nailed.

Are you brave enough to claim your colors? How do feel about hiding your colors?


If these photos and words are piercing your heart like they did mine here are a few songs to keep this theme alive. Take a listen.

Burn the Ships
Ships in the Night
Come Sail Away

Thank you for taking the time to read this little blog!

Much Love, XOXO

Kim Kauffman

Klassic Photography

  1. Angie says:

    Great post! Love the challenge you gave here!

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