“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting.”- Psalm 139:23-24 This verse echoed through my brain for weeks and became louder and louder the closer Ashley and I got to the Indiana Dunes […]

  It’s incredible how family weddings transpire. On the days leading up to my cousin Lacey’s wedding, we had many late nights exhausting ourselves. Suddenly ordinary things become hilarious, and we are laughing hysterically at nothing; sentences are difficult, inside jokes, and outlandish stories are shared. I love that my sweet cousin took a chance […]

Fall Mini Photo Sessions

September 27, 2020

The Fall Mini Photo Sessions at Allerton Park and Retreat Center were an absolute joy! Most of you wanted family sessions which I adore shooting for a variety of reasons. I love fulfilling those much-needed family pictures since the kids have suddenly sprouted overnight. I love the little and big personalities that emerge as kids […]

Growing up, we heard the phrase, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all,” which was doled out at the whiff of a negative accusation. If I’m alone in this, y’all haven’t watched enough Full House in your adolescence! Michelle Tanner made it famous and followed it up with a surprisingly colorful […]

Hello Lovely,   If you are anything like me you are looking for a distraction or simply something else to focus on for a while. Something that benefits your busy life and is easy to do. Something for your restless mind that gives tangible results, even better if it’s hands-on. We are going to explore […]

Ever wish you could travel but don’t have the budget for a plane ticket? Do you need a little escape from reality? Have you considered hopping in a book and letting it take you away? Did you know that reading can reduce stress, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and fight depression symptoms? This list […]

Hey there, Lovely Ever wonder what it takes in this digital age to nurture in-depth, more meaningful relationships? Deep conversations and authentic relationships are what fuels me, along with my plain black coffee, of course!   I’m going to break it down for you and share a few tips from my friends as well. First, […]

Hey there Lovely, Are you well? If you didn’t already know I am a silver-lining, look on the bright side, glass half full kind of personality, but this coronavirus is multifaceted and can cause even the most level-headed, common sense, unflappable personality to waffle with uncertainty. The media coverage alone can be daunting much less […]

Hey There, Lovely!  I remember it was the spring of 2016 when the tulips were brave enough to emerge from the cold earth and reach for the sun. I had been watering grandma’s houseplants while she and grandpa were away for the winter. Once the last plant was watered I went outside to photograph her […]

Best Of The Prairie

January 20, 2020

Hey There Lovely,   You are stunning. You are dressed in white, approaching the entrance. Your father is beside you, promising not to let you fall. Your nerves are high, as high as they’ve ever been. The doors open and you gracefully glide down the aisle, your soulmate is gazing back at you, you become […]

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