Find Rest My Soul

I have this comfy cream chair, with soft pillow and fuzzy blanket to keep it company that sits in my library nook that I never sit on. Why don’t I sit there and curl up in its comfort enjoying a mystery? Guests ask me all the time, “I bet you spend a lot of time here, don’t you?” “Uh, nope, not really.” is my usual response.

So, why don’t I use this special spot? I have it adorably decorated and conveniently located next to a light. Beside it, sits an old wooden plant stand that functions as a side table complete with marble coaster for a steaming cup of tea. Needless to say, it’s meant to be used.

I could give a multitude of excuses. I could use words like busy or tired. Instead, I will talk about priorities.

Do I make rest a priority? Do you?

If the answer is no, what are you prepared to do to make it one?

Rest is important, so important that our bodies are not designed to function without it.



So, maybe you and I need to think about what is most important to us. We need to ration our ‘yeses’. We need to save them for the times we can really show up and deliver. We need to say to our passions, our community, and our God.

How often do you pray after asked to do a task or volunteer project? Your time can be filled with all kinds of good things, but anyone can do that. Don’t you want to fill your time with great things?




I’m encouraging you to reevaluate because I need to reevaluate.

So, will you do this with me? Will you prayerfully consider making great yeses? Will you take time to rest in whatever way relaxes you? Let’s dwell here together.


Kim Kauffman

Klassic Photography


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