Allerton Adventures

I’m such a fan of exploring Allerton Park because I believe it can fit any mood. Here are the Top 5 reasons for taking your next photo session there.

  1. Explore Off The Beaten Path

Do you enjoy traveling rough terrain and scouting a location rarely found? Trails wind around Allerton that I have yet to explore; and I can’t wait to take a day to explore. Fear of the unknown sometimes causes us to stick to beaten paths. Still, it was an afternoon of exploring with a graduating Senior that bought me to a rocky riverbed with a bridge and diffused light together, making a magical photo.

2. Capturing Milestone Memories

In one family photo shoot, the kids begged to have their photo taken in a specific spot regaling me with stories from their childhood about their growing tree, so of course, now that they are older, coming back to this tree held special significance. Maybe your childhood photo was taken here, or you want to start the tradition now; it’s never too late to make a memory.

3. The Many Moods of Allerton

Whether you’re dressed for cocktail hour or roughing it on a trail, Allerton provides every opportunity and mood in between. Intricate architectural design, blooming plant life, pine or maple trees, concrete paths or dirt, open fields with tall grasses, or ivy climbing garden walls, there isn’t much this place doesn’t offer.

4. It’s a Learning Experience

Aside from having your Family, Wedding, or Senior photos done, it’s a great place to watch wildlife, trail ride, or hike for exercise. A small cafe with outdoor bistro tables begs for a date or family picnic. A coy pond, swing, and enclosed gazebo will also pique your child’s interest.

5. Community Events

Youth programs, special events, classes, workshops, and tours have elevated this location to a community treasure. It functions as more than just a beautiful location but provides opportunities for learning and growth.

When Peggy and Jo asked for location ideas for their session, of course, Allerton was on the list. It didn’t take much arm-twisting to land on this gorgeous location with goldenrod grasses and mansion architecture.

Isn’t it a dream? Have you been to Allerton as a family or had a session done? I’d love to hear location ideas from you; Lovely.

Any hidden treasures up your sleeve?

Until next month!

Kimberly Nicole Adventures

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