An Elephant Rock Adventure

It was four months of intense preparation that brought us to the top of Elephant Rock State Park on a Saturday afternoon for this gorgeous styled Photoshoot. Threats of rain, clouds, and generally lousy weather almost derailed this Photoshoot. How would the kiddos handle a 3-hour road trip? How would our hair hold curls in this damp weather? What if our location was crowded on the weekend?

Destination Photoshoots have obstacles to overcome, but we prayed to overcome it all, and we didn’t just overcome but far exceed our wildest dreams! I know I was blessed beyond measure to work with my dear friend Whitney on this project, and that was solidified when I received this sweet text from her hours before our shoot began,

“Happy picture day to all of us!!! Praying for safe travels and that God would be glorified through this session and your gift of photography.” -Whit

If I hadn’t been seatbelted in, I probably would have fallen over, although coming from Whitney, it made complete sense. Here’s one more example of God’s provision for us.
Our shoot only lasted an hour which is how most things happen, over in the blink of an eye, but a ton of behind-the-scenes preparation.

Here is a list of miracles from our 60 minutes together…
No Rain!
Tourists who respected our space
Happy Kiddos, ready to smile!

“They warmed up to you from the start and for the entire time, which I think is from God! Isaiah is usually so shy too. I think he remembered you but also sensed your warmth. It’s something I sense when I’m with you!”

The location did not disappoint! Every angle was epic!

So, what if we went a little deeper here?

Whitney shared this scripture with me.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it, keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths of your feet, and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.”
-Proverbs 4:23-27

This world has taught us to be consumers; of information, pictures, and videos at a high rate, but I have always treated my corner of the world as a quiet, peaceful, growing place full of exciting storytelling, but that has been hard fought for. But these Proverbs verses are my reminder to ‘fix my gaze’ on Christ, not comparing my self-worth, passion, voice, or calling. We have all been given individual talents, and how we use and express those are unique.

Lovely friend, you are not alone. You are unique and loved and so precious to the creator of the world. You are worth fighting for! You are not too much, or not enough. You are the right amount. Nothing you do will ever separate you from the love of God.
I hope you are encouraged; feel free to leave a comment below and share how you ‘fix your gaze?’
Happy Fall Lovelies,
Xoxo, Kimberly Nicole Adventures

  1. Angie K. says:

    Beautiful images and words, Kimber! Sometimes I have to remind myself too to focus on my little corner of the world and not to compare or let what the rest of the world is doing bother me or pull me down.

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