5 COVID Nesting Essentials

Hello Lovely,


If you are anything like me you are looking for a distraction or simply something else to focus on for a while. Something that benefits your busy life and is easy to do. Something for your restless mind that gives tangible results, even better if it’s hands-on.

We are going to explore 5 COVID Nesting Essentials which will help you feel better prepared for heading back to work, breathe easier in your space, and help the environment.


Step 1. Meal Prep

I have saved $70-$80 more a month by preparing my lunches in advance instead of depending on a restaurant. Don’t get me wrong I love to support local, but I choose to do that on weekends only. Not only am I eating healthier with this new habit change, but I look forward to packing my lunch.

I have this sweet little lunch box filled with these glass dishes filled with healthy choices. I recently made the decision to invest in glass instead of continuing to microwave in plastic. If you are interested in the science behind it, check out this article.


For myself, meal prep might look like making a meal and having one set of leftovers or it might be an afternoon of cooking to make 3-6 meals I can alternate between so that I don’t have one dish on repeat.

Step 2. Invest in Quality Products

Earlier, I mentioned my glass Amazon lunch containers, but I also purchased these for more storage. I did a price comparison between Target, Kroger, Walmart, and Amazon which had the most pieces for the best price.

Until a friend mentioned the Dollar Tree I would have never thought to look there, but I found these glass bowls perfect for dips, spreads, and dressings. They were 4 for $1.

Quality products can be expensive or affordable you just need to know where to look.


I also highly recommend Aldi for affordable produce. This lunch and snack combo was pennies to make. With the chicken priced at .99 cents per pound, and the broccoli was a gift from a friend who was relocating. The strawberry carton was .99 cents and the pineapple was a little over a dollar. The fruit dip was most of the budget at about $5 which makes enough for multiple snacking sessions! This made about 3 full meals and nowhere near what a restaurant would charge. 

I haven’t completely gotten rid of plastic in my life, which leads us to plastic bags and the nightmare that litters our world.

It breaks my heart to see all the trash pulled out of the oceans, littered in the streets of a busy city, or simply flying out of the back of a garbage truck on my street. Which leads us to…

Step 3. Sustainability

These plastic bags are also from Amazon and have completely replaced my single-use plastic bags. I still have some gallon plastic bags but have chosen to wash them repeatedly until they are unusable. I am also in the process of switching out my plastic wrap to these adorable food-safe wrappers from Goldilocks. Goldilocks has many other sustainable food-safe products to offer. Knowing that I am helping to save the environment for future generations is motivation enough for me to change simple habits.


Step 4. Get organized

If the storage container shortage on the shelves these days is any indication then you are already ahead of me. If the thought of getting organized makes you want to run and hide, let’s break it down in easy steps.

First, let’s decide what space to organize, for the sake of demonstration I have chosen my pantry, which is essentially one cabinet. Have you ever wished for a more organized pantry? Instead of bright glaring labels cluttering your space, I’m offering an alternative.

A little extra effort isn’t just going to improve the look of your home but also save money, be more efficient in the mornings, and be sustainable.

Second, determine what you already own that could be reused/recycled. In the image above you will find my old plastic containers have been given a new life by holding my pantry products in easy to see categories. This clearly marked organization takes the guesswork out of finding your favorite snack.

PS. I might be a chez-it addict!! Also, the Verb Bars are the perfect afternoon boost!

Third, What other resources do you have at your fingertips? I already owned these Avery Labels from a previous project that I simply redesigned.

I found a blush pink color I loved, overlayed it on the background, typed in my title, and print!

I have found reusing what I already have has saved me so much money and time!

If you love labels too, these labels recommended by Teresa Laura are definitely worth the investment. I mean $10!! She also has an Amazon page that dreams are made of!

So Lovely, It’s that easy! Get Creative! I can’t wait to see your pantry overhauls!



Step 5. Reuse/Recycle

I mentioned earlier that I reused my plastic containers for storage in my pantry. I encourage you to think of ways you can reuse your resources in different ways. A pickle jar is pictured above with its label removed and the lid spray painted black, giving it a classy glass jar canister look for pennies. This was just one way I could extend my pantry storage to the countertop without it looking cluttered and messy. Pretzels, Chips, Chez-it’s, Cookies, and more look great in glass containers. Check out this look from Teresa Laura (again, I know!) for inspiration. Salsa and Candles often come in glass containers with matching lids, think twice before throwing them away and get creative.

I mentioned reusing my round Avery labels, you could also use a label maker if you own one to achieve the same result.

I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas of how you might reuse and recycle something you already own and use it in a new creative way. Leave a comment below and let’s start a conversation.



Pretty Pink things are a weakness for me and I’ve been posting all about it on my Instagram. Check out my latest stories for more on this blush pink organizer, I’m currently using in my fridge and many more organizational tips and tricks.

Thank you Lovely,

Remember this: “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” -Benjamin Franklin

Until next month,

Klassic Photography

  1. Angie K. says:

    Great tips and tricks! You may have inspired me to organize a little more too. 😉

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