High Tide

The evening started on a great note, and we were greeted by a roadside possum and two blue herons; wildlife is incredibly beautiful to me. However, we had to navigate under a tree once we arrived at the trailhead. We followed the path I have done multiple times before, but this visit lent a new challenge; high tide.

With no dry path, we were left to climb over rocks with five children, one of them an infant. These brave souls rose to the challenge, and we captured beautiful family photos together. My fears included the family losing enthusiasm for the pictures and someone injuring themselves or falling in the water. But the evening ended beautifully with a sunset on the lake.

To reach our destination, we had to climb to higher ground, which reminded me of my own life and the ways that God has diverted my path to direct me to His. It may not always be enjoyable with every careful step, but it leads to incomparable rewards.

Psalm 91 has always been a favorite of mine, and when I think about God’s guidance in my life, this verse comforts me. “For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

These verses paint a picture of safety amid uncertainty. And whether that is navigating a wild path in the woods or your life, it can apply to both.

I am so grateful for families like this who entrust me with documenting this time in your child’s life.

The wild abandon, the sweet calling of their newborn sister’s name, the delight in throwing rocks in the lake and sneaking out onto a rock to feel the waves on your legs; I loved every minute, and I hope you did too.

Until next month lovely friends,

Kimberly Nicole

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