My Branding Adventure

I just realized I run my business like I operate my life. The clients I capture have turned into such wonderful friends. How does that happen? I believe it stems from my childhood and the desire to feel seen, beautiful, and important; I think everyone shares that desire. And so I make it my mission when I am with a client to lavish positive attention, affirmations, and beautiful truthful blessings over them. Who doesn’t need more of this in their life? Maybe, it’s because my spiritual gift is encouragement, and it manifests itself in this way… I find this realization unique and the cornerstone of my brand.

This video was a labor of love and personal to me, especially the beautiful family who star in it. Adventures have always been a part of my life from little on up. It was always there in the background waiting for this past year to reveal itself. I have found such comfort in naming this passion. Maybe that’s why this video is so close to my heart. It’s what I’ve been working toward for 14 years but never visualized. I’m feeling everything; elation, nervous, energized, terrified, and so blessed. The pendulum keeps swinging, but I know I’m stepping into my God-given purpose and realize I have a supportive community here.

Thank you for listening, following, commenting, and messaging your support. I hope I can be your photographer for another 14 years and more!

Until next month, lovely friends!

  1. Angie K. says:

    Just beautiful, Kimber! I love this video of you living out your best dreams! Can’t wait to see the places this little business of yours takes you!

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