It was my ultimate desire to capture an old-fashioned Christmas Mini-Series for 2021, complete with an antique truck, Christmas lights, and a hot cocoa bar. It all started on a shopping trip with my mom when we found old-fashioned candy canes, reminding us of the old days what sweet memories those years held. That feeling permeated both our decorating styles this year and was unique to share that excitement together. The dream and vision of an outdoor photoshoot was quickly dispelled by 45 mile-an-hour winds, and with the promise of little ones and, anyone with hair on their heads, I thought it better to relocate the photoshoot indoors to a cozy atmosphere. I tell you this because it’s the behind-the-scenes scurrying of changing an entire vision that most never see.
The morning of the shoot was filled with such scurrying and you can see the beautiful results here. Leaving my ultimate vision behind left me heartbroken while the families that booked were thrilled to have a cozy alternative. Sounds like a me problem, right?
Perhaps, I was too focused on the scene and not what matters the most, being together as a family. So, I ask myself and you what is shifting your focus this Christmas Season? Is it worth the stress? Could you focus more on God and family? Are all the extras worth your time and energy?
I encourage you to read the Christmas Story together in Luke as a family. We did that this year and it shifted our focus to the true meaning of Christmas, knowing we have a Savior is our greatest source of peace. I love the way For King and Country’s lead singer Joel describes the scene here.
Have a Merry Christmas Lovelies!
Until 2022!
Kimberly Nicole Adventures