I think Adriene and I get along so well because we both live out this quote from Confucius as if our life depends on it. We get attached to people in other countries and find ourselves homesick for their friendship across the miles, counting days until we see their smiling faces again.
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

When Adriene was grappling with the decision to teach in Ecuador for 2 years, I was one of the friends telling her to follow that dream. I know she sought counsel in multiple ways and ultimately prayed about the entire situation. Despite my selfish desire to have her stay state-side with me, I think true friendship encourages the pursuit of scary dreams.

I find it incredibly powerful when I see Christians living out their faith in every circumstance, that is Adriene. She is beautiful inside and out and declares she is Latina on the inside! Her affinity for Latin music and food is infectious!

Oh, how we dream of hiking together again much as we did in these woods, but this time perhaps in the jungles of Ecuador. The one great thing about friends moving abroad is the chance to visit that country has a much higher probability. So when we parted, she was determined not to say goodbye but see you later instead.

I respected her wishes, sending her off at her farewell with a see you later, crying on the inside, of course!
I hope you enjoyed this story and these images. I hope they inspire you to chase your dreams, whether they take you across an ocean or getting you outside your comfort zone. I also hope it inspires you to need very little reason for a Photoshoot because, really darling, you don’t need a reason. Sometimes you feel a change in the air around who you are becoming, and it’s imperative to capture that feeling through photography. It would be my pleasure to capture your wild, beautiful life!
Until next time, lovely friend,
Kimberly Nicole Adventures