Adventure is Here

Isn’t it amazing how a brand can have a profound impact on a consumer, a community, and its creator? A clearly defined brand attracts and repels.

“Every great brand goes back to a courageous individual who dared to say, “no” to the status quo, to the ordinary and to complacency.”

David Brier

When I rebranded this business I thought it would take time for people to adjust to the idea, possibly suffer from a lack of interest as well. Even though I had been preparing my audience in advance with hints, suggestions, and steering my old photography business in that direction. That isn’t how it went down at all! It was as if my new brand called out to the adventurer inside, much as a mother does to their child at dinner, but instead of being met with a ‘five more minutes’ response, it was sheer delight. I give God all the glory for that!

Since Photography is visual I subtly changed directions all the while following God’s leading. I was met with obstacles and disappointment and those circumstances have rubbed me raw, but I am determined to let the light shine through those cracks like never before.

I remind myself every day how grateful I am for this job, whether it’s an Air Mattress Adventure Session, Pizza in a Truck Bed (someone please book this!) A Rooftop Parking Garage or Sunset’s on the Beach I see adventure all around, and I can’t wait to capture it with you, lovely friend.

Let’s Go!

Kimberly Nicole Adventures

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