Fall Mini Photo Sessions

The Fall Mini Photo Sessions at Allerton Park and Retreat Center were an absolute joy! Most of you wanted family sessions which I adore shooting for a variety of reasons. I love fulfilling those much-needed family pictures since the kids have suddenly sprouted overnight. I love the little and big personalities that emerge as kids become more comfortable around me, and I love how meeting a beautiful family can continue to inspire me long after we have parted.

Unassuming pretty spots are sprinkled throughout Allerton’s obvious gorgeous landscape. It leaves much to the imagination and exploration.


The Otto’s



Brooklyn’s shyness was gone quickly and Austin had enough energy for the both of them. Tickle fights might have been the highlight for him, and of course the autumn treat bag. It was so dear to see these cousins’ love on each other.



The Miller’s



I knew that 3 year old Karissa was going to be a blast to photograph when she immediately introduced me to her whole family before I could even say hello. She has an important job of being big sister to five month old twins, Kayla and Colton. She stands out to me as a very tenderhearted, spunky child and I couldn’t resist capturing a few photos of her very own. Just look at that face!!


The Miller’s


I love coming together for a shoot with energy and ideas. I came ready for action and so did this family! They brought all the cute snuggles, and great big smiles, and cordinating colors. Isn’t little Elizabeth darling?


These families took advantage of my discounted 20-minute sessions. If you are interested in photographs as well reach out and ask about my special rates extended to the end of 2020.

Mrs. Jess


And last, but definitley not least is my dear friend and long time photography assistant Lori, who needed some fresh headshots! I’m so glad I could serve her in this way. She has the most infectious laughter and she absolutely glows here!

Thank you to the families that booked sessions. Thank you for following along; for liking and commenting, for reading and messaging. I do not take this responsibility of capturing your family’s legacy lightly, but with a light heart!

Much Love,

Until next month,

Klassic Photography

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