It’s silly I know, but I’m so excited to tell you all about these pants! I had seen these on Etsy or Pinterest or somewhere… I hunted everywhere online for them but, like hunting a unicorn, I came up empty. I was beginning to think I had imagined them. So that’s when I decided I could design them myself.


I found these amazingly comfortable pajama pants at TJ Maxx for $9.99. I wish you could feel the fabric. It is so light and thin!


Then I took them to my local print shop, Custom Screen Printing in Arthur. Click here.

They used the bromello font and charged me $9.64. That’s less than $20.00 for these custom pants! Score!



I love wearing them while I edit, for some reason it makes the process more enjoyable. As you can see I have paired them with my business T-shirt from the winning stitch. I think they look great together!


And since I was in Phoenix to see family, of course, I had an impromptu photoshoot. Isn’t it fun to be creative? Have you made anything lately that fueled your creativity? Any DIY’s you would like to share? I’d love to hear from you.


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