I have been so blessed in 2015 with numerous clients that have been so good to me. Honestly, it was my first year to have so many Weddings so close together. I’m so excited to be this organized. Are you ever afraid of juggling to many things, worried about the outcome of each one? Then suddenly, you drop one ball and its hard not to let that shake your confidence to take care of the rest still flying in the air. Well, worry will get you nowhere. Instead, I have designed a new organizational system that works for me. Another thing that helps is never stop thinking about my clients, but there comes a time when I can’t ignore the crumbs accumulating on my kitchen floors, the hairspray on the bathroom counters, and the 3 baskets of laundry awaiting my attention. So what’s a girl to do?

My Absolute Best for the Glory of God.
Probably not the answer you were expecting. However, not allowing worry to take your confidence is not something I can do in my own strength. Although, I have been a Christian for years, I only recently gave the success of my business, the number of clients, the looming deadlines, and the amount of page likes, to my Heavenly Father. I thought these were all things I could control with enough marketing and skill. Since my surrender, my business has grown exponentially! I am not pretending to have the key to success. I’m only sharing my story with you, in the hopes that it would be an encouragement. It’s funny how things work when you start asking Christ for your dreams. Suddenly, you find yourself asking him for the little things too, just to see Him work. Here are a few photographs from 2015 I’m excited to share with y’all.
Enjoy! –Klassic Photography


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  1. Angie says:

    Your website looks great!

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